Thursday, June 9, 2011

Student Life Camp 2011 Thursday

It's hard to believe we are already in our last full day of camp. Our days are so busy that they do indeed pass quickly. Yesterday afternoon we played ultimate frisbee and I discovered that I am in fantastic shape and this 8,000+ ft altitude doesn't affect me at all. Sorry, I slipped out of reality there for a second. We had fun though, and afterwards I schooled several of our students in the game of miniature golf.

Last night's worship was a powerful time. JR Vassar talked about how we live in a culture that is becoming increasingly post Christian. The true followers of Christ will be seen by their devotion to Him, and simply the traditions that they follow. JR talked about how Jesus is the chief cornerstone and all who set themselves against him will be crushed. He quoted Tim Keller saying "When it comes to Jesus, you'll either have to kill Him or crown Him." A powerful truth that needs to be preached and re-preached. He also said that the only way to be neutral toward Jesus is to edit or censor your own version of Him. We must take a stand on what we believe about Jesus Christ - He is Lord or He isn't. We had two young ladies profess that they wanted to recommit themselves to living for the one who died for them. Our young men and women had some great insight - they are wise beyond their years. I thoroughly enjoyed our church group time hearing their thoughts and stories about what God is teaching them this week.

We left our church group time to a nice steady rain that was falling. I forgot how loud thunder sounds in the mountains, and especially in Estes Park which basically sits in a bowl surrounded by mountains. This morning JR talked about how we live in a hyper reality. What that means is that the exaggerated is presented as normative. Images, media, tv shows, and even the dream lifestyle have created an ideal picture of something that does not truly exist, and yet we continually strive for it. He also talked about how social media has allowed us to compare our lives - but in reality your life on your facebook page is often an edited digital life. This hyper reality creates a constant state of "I'll be happy when...." and leaves us always chasing after a lifestyle, a product, or an idea. Our consumerist culture attests to this truth. Jesus in John 6 tells the crowd that he is the bread of life, and to not labor for the food that perishes. We've been blessed by both Jeff Johnson and JR Vassar this week. I'm looking forward to a great day today and finishing camp strong before we return to Rio Rancho tomorrow. God has done and is doing great things!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Student Life Camp 2011 Wednesday

Camp is in full swing and things are going great. Yesterday afternoon our students did a photo scavenger hunt throughout the entire campus. They took some funny and creative pictures and I think they all had a good time doing so. Afterwards, many of them used their free time to play putt putt, rest, and swim.

Last night was another solid time of worship and bible study. JR Vassar continued in Hosea talking about how Hosea went broke to buy back his wife Gomer who was now enslaved in prostitution. I've studied Hosea before but have never heard a pastor teach so in depth on that book, and JR preached two awesome messages from that book. The story paints a beautiful picture of redemption. After hearing him speak, I was reminded that I am Gomer. Jesus gave all that he had to bring me back from slavery to my sin, and not bring me back as a servant but as one of His own sons. That is such great news, and our students responded very well to that message as evidenced in some of the comments that were made during our church group time last night.

This morning JR spoke out of Matthew 12:38-42. He said that the love and wisdom of Jesus should warm our heart to the Lordship of Jesus. If Jesus is truly as wise and all knowing as He says He is, and if He loves us as much as He says He does, shouldn't our response be to trust Him? We obey because He has our best interests in mind. As I type this our students are in family group bible study time. Bobby Greene and my wife Chelsea are leading the groups and I am so thankful for all that they are doing to invest into our young men and women. This afternoon we're going to play ultimate frisbee and will again have some more free time after that. It thrills me to hear our students talk about how much fun they are having and how they believe God brought them here for a purpose. We are exactly where we are supposed to be and the week isn't over yet. Please continue to pray for us!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Student Life Camp 2011 Monday/Tuesday

On Sunday evening at 11:35pm I called the bus company to make sure they were going to be there to pick us up. The voice on the other end told me they didn't have us scheduled to leave until 8am Monday morning. After a panic filled conversation I had to break this news to a group of anxious students and parents. I was frustrated, disappointed, and flustered. I had our trip planned out - where we would stop, where we were going to eat lunch, what time we would get here. It was my plan, and if you know me I strive hard to stick to the plan. After a long day of travel and missing out on a few opening activities, my frustration resurfaced.

During the evening worship, Jeff Johnson was singing a song called "Ruin my life". I've seen him numerous times and sang this one several times before, but when we got to the line "Now the plans that I have made fail to compare, when I see your glory", my wife leaned over and reminded me that sometimes God ruins your plans. I should know this lesson, but it seems God is teaching me to hold on loosely to the things I arrange. Our students did amazing yesterday. They didn't complain. They were prompt at both of our stops so we could get back on the road quickly, and through it all they went with the flow. I am so proud of them and so thankful to be their youth pastor.

JR Vassar is the speaker for the week. Last night he spoke out of Hosea and shared about how God's love is a voluntary love and a vulnerable love. God chooses to love us knowing that we are going to be unfaithful, just as Gomer was to Hosea after she married him. I think we all slept well and today (Tuesday) has gotten off to a great start. This morning, JR talked about being reconciled to God in 2 Corinthians 5. One of my favorite things he said was "God treated Jesus like he lived your life, so that he could treat you like you lived Jesus' life." Our students are now in small group bible study time and this afternoon we have some fun activities planned for them. Parents, your kids are doing great - thank you for allowing them to be a part of this special week. Please continue to pray for great things. This place is beautiful and the weather is cool, and best of all the air is not filled with smoke like it is back home.