Thursday, June 12, 2014

Student Life Camp 2014 Thursday

Every year when we bring students to Student Life Camp, one of the main goals is that they would have an encounter with God that would not be just a memory filed away in their brains, but a catalyst that helped to push them deeper in their journey of following Christ. Each year, we get to see that happen and it is always such an incredible moment. Last night, a young man that came with our group began that journey for the first time by placing his faith in Jesus Christ.  If nothing else good were to happen for the rest of our time here that alone would be more than worth the price of admission. Thank you to all who have been praying, the service last night was very powerful! In addition to this young man, several of our students responded to the challenge to get back in the game and come back home to Christ.  I love how Sam reminded our kids that emotions go up and down, and encouraged them to join their hearts with their heads in making a decision, because in those moments it can be so easy to get caught up in how you feel. 

Today is the last full day of camp and this time tomorrow we will be sitting on a bus headed home. This is always one of my favorite weeks of the year, and I consider myself tremendously blessed to get to bring a great group of students and leaders here again. We have some amazing young men and women here in our student ministry, and I am confident greater things are on the horizon as they pursue their savior. We've been able to spend some quality time together hiking, playing games, eating meals, and of course worshiping together each day. I am looking forward to our last day here - finishing strong and having fun. See you all tomorrow night! 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Student Life Camp 2014 Wednesday

Things are going great here in Estes Park. I'm really excited about how our students are responding to the messages, bible studies, and church group time. One of the greatest things about youth ministry is hearing students share from their heart about the transformation that is occurring in their lives. That moment when everything seems to click will never get old. 

Last night Sam spoke out of Acts and talked about Stephen. He challenged us to be full of wisdom and the Holy Spirit and questioned whether other people would say those things about us. It was a powerful night of worship as well. Hearing well over a thousand voices singing together is one of my favorite parts of camp, and Brett Younker is doing a great job leading us. 

Today will be a fun day as well. A group of us are going on a hike and several have also talked about going fishing at a nearby river. I cannot brag on this place enough - Estes Park truly is one of the most beautiful places around and we're looking forward to exploring more of it today. We have great students here at FBC! Please continue to pray for us! 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Student Life Camp 2014 Tuesday

Today is a picture perfect day. We could not ask for better weather, and Estes Park is showing off as usual. After our long morning of travel, the first day of Student Life Camp got off to a great start. I'm so excited that we get to hear from Sam Bhatt again this year. He was our camp pastor back in 2012 and that week still ranks as one of the most memorable camps that I have ever attended. Sam loves the Lord and loves teaching the Word of God. Our students will be blessed, encouraged, and challenged by the end of this week to live more boldly in their faith in Christ. 

Last night, Sam challenged us with the camp theme: "Who do you say I am?". How we answer that question changes everything. Christians are good at giving the right answer when asked that question, but Sam challenged us to ask it of ourselves and compare our answer with what our life says. He reminded all of us that Christianity is a lifestyle. We must live out our answer to that question if we ever hope for the world around us to come to the same conclusion about Jesus Christ. 

This morning I believe our group is much more refreshed and energetic after getting some much needed rest last night. As I type this they are with their small group leaders - Bobby Greene and Felton Prosper for the guys, and Amy Kimmel for the girls - studying their daily lesson. Thank you all who have been praying for us, we are already having a great week and I believe the best is yet to come!