Sunday School teachers still use flannelgraph in their weekly lessons +1
You have a deacon of the week pray during the worship service +1
That deacon prays in King James English +4
Churchmembers bring their own seat cushions to save their spot on the pew +2
You can throw a stone and hit the pastor's house +1
Church members have actually proven this point +2
The pastor has a tattoo -3
Your worship leader refers to anything written after 1990 as contemporary +1
There are still hymnals in the back of your pews +2
One of your churchmembers refers to your contemporary service as "Six Flags Over Jesus" +2
Your pastor preaches shoeless -2
Your pastor preaches using an iPad -2
There is a choir modesty rail on the stage +1
You have "that guy" who shouts "Amen Brother" at least 3x during the sermon +1
You call your pastor "Brother" +1
Your pastor actually is your brother +1
The choir members wear robes +1
The robes don't match +2
The worship band includes an organ +1
Any event that includes food is referred to as "fellowship" +1
Your church has a coffee shop -1
The coffee shop is named "Holy Grounds or Hebrews" -2
Your pastor wears jeans and it is considered "casual Sunday" +1
Your pastor wears skinny jeans on any Sunday -5
The church business meeting is more violent than a bar room brawl +1
There are more people on the handbell choir than on Twitter +3
25 and above Thou art traditional. Do not, I repeat do not show up in anything less than a collared shirt, and if you're rocking anything less than the New King James you better get your New King Rear End a new bible.
18-24 Still holding on. You're open to new ideas, as long as those ideas don't include drums or anything that requires the internet.
11-18 Modern, but don't dare call us post modern. You've removed the pews and installed padded chairs in your worship center, I mean sanctuary.
0-11 You're up to date. The pastor has more plaid than the local fabric shop and there is a Minister of Pyrotechnics on staff.
There you go. How did your church do? What are some other signs your church might be on the traditional side?
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