Thursday, July 25, 2013

How traditional is your church? A helpful checklist.

The church by nature is traditional. Anything that has been around for over 2,000 years will establish some customs that are not easily removed. But as new church plants are popping up all over the country, many of them are anything but conventional. Churches are meeting in schools, movie theaters, storefronts, and wherever they can find space. As the church transitions into the 21st century, some refuse to let go of the previous 20. Wondering if your church fits that category? Good, here is a checklist to help you find just how traditional is your church.

Sunday School teachers still use flannelgraph in their weekly lessons  +1

You have a deacon of the week pray during the worship service +1

That deacon prays in King James English +4

Churchmembers bring their own seat cushions to save their spot on the pew +2

You can throw a stone and hit the pastor's house +1

Church members have actually proven this point +2

The pastor has a tattoo -3

Your worship leader refers to anything written after 1990 as contemporary +1

There are still hymnals in the back of your pews +2

One of your churchmembers refers to your contemporary service as "Six Flags Over Jesus" +2

Your pastor preaches shoeless -2

Your pastor preaches using an iPad -2

There is a choir modesty rail  on the stage +1

You have "that guy" who shouts "Amen Brother" at least 3x during the sermon +1

You call your pastor "Brother" +1

Your pastor actually is your brother +1

The choir members wear robes +1

The robes don't match +2

The worship band includes an organ +1

Any event that includes food is referred to as "fellowship" +1

Your church has a coffee shop -1

The coffee shop is named "Holy Grounds or Hebrews" -2

Your pastor wears jeans and it is considered "casual Sunday" +1

Your pastor wears skinny jeans on any Sunday  -5

The church business meeting is more violent than a bar room brawl +1

There are more people on the handbell choir than on Twitter +3

25 and above Thou art traditional. Do not, I repeat do not show up in anything less than a collared shirt, and if you're rocking anything less than the New King James you better get your New King Rear End a new bible. 

18-24 Still holding on. You're open to new ideas, as long as those ideas don't include drums or anything that requires the internet.

11-18 Modern, but don't dare call us post modern.  You've removed the pews and installed padded chairs in your worship center, I mean sanctuary. 

0-11 You're up to date. The pastor has more plaid than the local fabric shop and there is a Minister of Pyrotechnics on staff. 

There you go. How did your church do? What are some other signs your church might be on the traditional side? 

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