I love being a dad. This past weekend was Father's Day, and it was my first "official" one to celebrate. I guess technically I was a father last year, but Avery was still swimming in the womb so it was much different. I love that little girl and I am so thankful that she is a healthy growing baby. As all parents discover, life is a whole new ballgame when a little one arrives. It's like someone hits the fast forward button and you have to try to keep up with the action on the screen so that it doesn't freeze up and malfunction. It's complete madness sometimes.
Right now, our day consists of getting up (earlier than we used to), getting ourselves ready, getting Avery ready, taking her to daycare and then off to work. Then after work it's picking up Avery from daycare, going home and hanging out til mommy gets home, then cooking dinner, giving Avery a bath, and getting her ready for bed. By the time we both shower, it's almost time to go to bed and start the whole process all over again. I'm not complaining, because I know that's a familar routine for a lot of couples. It can be a viscious cycle though. Peaceful is not the word that I would use to describe that situation.
Psalm 34:14 says "Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it." This was our Redbud Student Ministry theme verse for Summer 2006. We called it "The Pursuit." Our t-shirts had an old school police car on the back, with the idea of a high speed pursuit. I read this psalm this morning and it reminded me of the need to be proactive. When I think of peace, I don't think of "world peace" where every nation gets along and nobody blows up one another. I think of the peace of God ruling my heart. I think of doing God's will and having the assurance that I am being obedient. Peace is not something that can simply be wished for and received, peace is something that must be sought after and pursued (even if you are one who thinks of peace as being world peace). In the midst of our crazy routine, I cannot expect to find peace through wishful thinking. You'll never find what you're not looking for. I have to be in pursuit of peace.
Life is and will continue to be busy, crazy, and sometimes flat out exhausting. In the midst of raising a child, being a husband, ministering to teenage students, and seminary I must seek peace. I don't want to go through the motions and do all these things in vain. I want the peace of Christ to accompany me in my actions. I want to lay my head down each night knowing that I have done my best to accomplish everything God has asked of me. If I want this peace I have to pursue it. I'll be honest with you, after I read this I thought, wow one more thing that I have to do each day. But Philippians 4:7 says this: "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." By seeking and pursuing peace, I'll actually be lightening my load.
It's one thing to ask for peace, but it's another to have peace. Peace is found in the pursuit. Not really profound, but definitely on my mind today. Peace!
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